
Medical Insurance

Here is another value-added service to our students!
Topnotch has tied up with HDFC General Insurance Company ( India’s No: 1 Private General Insurance Company) to provide Overseas Student Medical Insurance service for students who are going abroad.

HDFC Bank Limited, India’s second largest bank with $79 billion in assets and Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited, a Canada based $26 billion diversified financial services company engaged in general insurance, reinsurance, insurance claims management and investment management. HDFC’s success is the result of coming together of two of the most trusted names in the financial sector.

HDFC General Insurance company is tied-up with US  based United Health Group ((No. 1 Health insurance company in the US) to provide health insurance products to all Indians traveling to the USA. Through this initiative, HDFC’s policy holders traveling to the US, who are covered by HDFC under Overseas Travel Insurance or Student Travel & Medical Insurance, will have access to the US-based healthcare firm’s programmes and services. This partnership is an innovative benefit for Indian’s, who are increasingly traveling abroad for leisure, business or educational purpose . This tie-up will also help in cut down travel hassles for Indians as they can access all hospitals of UnitedHealth in the US states.

All HDFC Overseas customers (Traveling to US) will get co-branded HDFC and UHI card, which they can present while obtaining medical care in hospitals.

HDFC was awarded the NDTV Profit Business Leadership Award 2007, also adjudged as the most Customer Responsive Company in the Insurance category at the Economic Times Avaya GlobalConnect Customer Responsiveness Award 2006 and awarded the Gold Shield for ” Excellence in Financial Reporting” by the ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) for the year ended March 31, 2006. The company has been assigned an iAAA rating by ICRA (an associate of Moody’s Investors Service) for highest claim paying ability and a fundamentally strong position. The prospect of meeting policyholders’ obligation is the best.

HDFC General Insurance Company, has been awarded the prestigious ‘General Insurance Company of the year’ at the 11th Asia Insurance Industry Awards 2007 ceremony held at Singapore.

The company has over 10,000 employees in over 320 offices spread across 189 locations. In the financial year ended March 31, 2008, the company issued over 3.1 million policies across India and settled over 0.6 million claims. The company has a claim disposal ratio of 98% (percentage of claims settled against claims reported) as on March 31, 2008

Need for Student Overseas Medical Insurance Policy:

Medical insurance is mandatory for most foreign universities including popular destinations like US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, etc.
Majority of universities abroad allow waiver from on-campus health insurance with comparable domestic insurance policies
Available at 1/3rd the university premiums abroad, HDFC Student Medical covers major medical, repatriation, evacuation, dental expenses, etc. and can be combined with the Plus Plan for additional coverage’s like medical expenses related to pregnancy, Mental disorders, Cancer screening, Mammography and Sports injuries.


HDFC Overseas Student Medical Insurance Plan covers the medical expenses that a student may have to incure during his stay abroad and the loss during his travel from India to the country of study. The policy also covers his education expenses during an unfortunate eventuality and provides compassionate help.

Details of the insurance packages are as follows:

GOLD PLAN – A comprehensive policy that covers student  against medical expenses, dental treatment, repatriation of remains, checked baggage loss, personal accident, personal liability, bail bond, study interruption, sponsor protection and 2 way compassionate visit etc….

1. Medical Cover* – US$ 50,000, US$ 100,000, US$ 2,50,000 and US$ 500,000
This covers medical cost due to illnesses or accidents, including outpatient & inpatient medical expenses, medical aid, therapies and diagnostic test. It also covers medically evacuation cost back to India.

2. Dental Treatment* – US$ 250
Covers the cost of treatment to natural teeth due to an injury.

3. Repatriation of Remains
For the expenses of repatriating the remains back to India. Included in the medical cover and has no sub-limit.

4. Checked Baggage Loss – US$ 1,000/-
Compensation for the permanent loss of checked-in baggage.

5. Personal Accident – US$ 25,000/-
Compensation paid in case of death or permanent total disability.

6. Personal Liability – US$ 100,000/-
Compensation for damages paid to a third party, resulting from death, injury or damage to health or property, that is caused involuntarily by the insured.

7. Bail Bond – US$ 5,000
Paid to the authorities if arrested or detained by the police or judicial authorities, for any bailable offense

8. Study Interruption – US$ 7,500/-
Reimbursement of the remaining part of the current school semester fees, if studies are interrupted and cannot be continued on account of a medical condition or compassionate reasons on the family front

9. Sponsor Protection – US$ 10,000/-
Reimbursement of the tuition fees in case of accidental demise of the person paying for the studies abroad

10. Two-way Compassionate Visit – US$ 7,500/-
Payment for a family member’s tickets and accommodation cost, in case the student is hospitalized for more than 7 days, or vice versa

11.Loss of passport – US $ 200/-
Reimbursement of charges incurred to get duplicate passport

Plus Plan:

THE ‘…PLUS PLAN’ – A university compliant plan with an enhanced medical coverage. Available as Gold Plus plan. Under Plus plan, we cover all benefits of Gold and over and above the Gold or Silver plan, which ever your opt for, you get the following additional medical covers making it university compliant The Plus Plan is an add – on plan that can be bought in addition to the Gold.

Additional covers offered by the Plus Plan are as follows:

Treatment for mental and nervous disorders – US$ 1,000

Treatment for mental and nervous disorders including alcoholism and drug dependency, is covered under this policy.
In-patient medical expenses related to pregnancy – US$ 500

In-patient medical expenses related to pregnancy are covered to a maximum limit of US$ 500, after a waiting period of 10 months.

Medical expenses for inter-collegiate sports injuries

Medical expenses for inter-collegiate sports injuries are covered under this policy as part of the medical cover. These expenses will be treated as any other medical expenses for an accident, and will be subject to the terms of conditions mentioned in the policy.

Cancer screening and mammography expenses – US$ 2,000

Cancer screening and mammography expenses examinations on recommendation from physician will be paid under this policy. Expenses would be paid for the usual and customary charges incurred for these test. Any tests done as a part of preventive health check-up is not included under this benefit.

Childcare benefits – US$ 100

If the child is above 90 days of age, and is hospitalized for more than 2 days, for any ailment, hospital cash benefit of US$ 100 per day will be paid, subject to a maximum of 7 days.


  1. Buy the policy in Indian rupees, which is 1/3 the cost of buying abroad
  2. All HDFC Overseas customers (Traveling to US) will get co-branded HDFC and UHI card, which they can present while obtaining medical care in hospitals.
  3. Accepted by most of the foreign universities as a substitute for their compulsory insurance
  4. Available with second year extension option, thereby covering you for the entire period of study
  5. Extend your policy 3 months in advance – Now you do not have to wait till policy expiry to extend your Student Medical cover, extend your policy 3 months in advance
  6. Policy coverage for 2 years – Student Medical Insurance is now available with a continuous cover for 2 years. Now cover your entire period of study and rid yourself of policy extension hassles with a policy duration of 365+365 = 730 days
  7. Medical inpatient and outpatient expenses covered under the same policy
  8. No pre-medical check-up required
  9. Tailor-made plans to meet varied student needs
  10. Worldwide Cover for students going to USA and Canada
  11. Policy Starts from boarding of International flight in India
  12. Extend the policy 3 months in advance




  1. Privileged Service to all Topnotch Students at the time of Claim
  2. You can pay the premium by using HDFC credit card and the same can be converted into EMI’s.
  3. Instant policy Printout.

Compare Different Plans of HDFC Overseas Student Medical Insurance:

Benefits Coverage amount Gold Plan Bronze Plan
1) Medical Expenses* (includes Medical evacuation cost) US$ 50,000 to
US $ 500,000
2) Dental Treatment* US$ 250
3) Checked Baggage loss US$ 1,000
4) Personal Liability US$ 100,000
5) Bail Bond US$ 5,000
6) Study Interruption US$ 7,500
7) Sponsor Protection US$ 10,000
8) 2 Way Compassionate Visit US$ 7,500
9) Passport Loss** US$ 200
10) Personal Accident US$ 25,000 US$ 10,000
11) Repatriation of remains Up to Medical Sum Insured
Request More Information

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